1st anniversary

Jun 17, 2007 10:58

This past weekend was the first anniversary of the tower bells, so we had a little "birthday" party on Monday. The lady who donated the bells, Anna Catherine Grace, and her sister Alice, also joined us. We had a very short practice, though we managed to get some good plain hunt in on 4 bells (I'll try them on 5 next week) and I think people were satisfied.

We had punch and cake, while Steve regaled us with tales of historical bells, and then went upstairs to watch a video about Neil Thomas of Whitechapel and another tower (East Ravesham?) which bought 5 bells to give them a ring of 5, and how they fundraised and taught their ringers. I heard distinct snickers as people got a glimpse of new ringers making the same mistakes they did, and looking just as panicked and flustered!

It was a fun evening.


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