Apr 18, 2007 19:42
Let me begin by saying one thing: fuck wilmington. That's right, fuck it.
I am so sick of this place. Our first few months here were rough, it's hard to make new friends. I thought it got better when we were just getting to know Shannon, Renee & Ellison, hanging out at their house, getting drunk and laughing a lot. I guess I didn't process the fact that the only people I was meeting were a bunch of drunk and drugged idiots who are sliding by in life on shitty restaurant jobs and in overly dramatic relationships. I don't mean to sound catty or callous but I've started to realize how much this place sucks the life out of people.
I cannot wait to leave. There are no jobs, at least none that pay well. My friends in psych classes are excited about getting jobs with their BAs that pay 10 dollars an hour. That is seriously fucked up. Most of the people I know here are between 22 and 28, and none of them are actually working at jobs that could develop into real careers. They are all utterly replacable. They spend all their money on getting drunk, either at home or in bars. It feels like there are only about 50 lesbians in this town, at least about 50 that actually make an effort to go out. And we don't even like to go out, but I'm seriously done with the lesbian scene her.
I was gonna write more, but my baby's on the way home and I need some snugglin.