
Dec 16, 2005 13:47

I got bored and finally did what we've been meaning to do.

1) The Virgin Mary.
2) An image or figure of the Virgin Mary.
3) Used as a form of polite address for a married woman in an Italian-speaking area.

So in reference to "for one chance one kiss one taste of you my black madonna", he's just talking more about how "holy her temple" is. Could be a double entundre (? spelling) on the virgin factor. Madonna means the VIRGIN Mary and Madonna the performer sang "Like a Virgin". Which kinda also could play into the whole Mary Magdalene thing who was a reformed prostitute and doesn't that make her a virgin in the eyes of the Church?
So...maybe it's not a stripper that he's talking about. Or an ex-stripper maybe? I don't know. Read the lyrics again and tell me what you think with our new found info. Cos there's still this line: "i've lost my self control beyond compelled to throw this dollar down" that makes me think it's a stripper. And there's no alternate dictionary meaning for the word dollar, so when he says dollar he means dollar. But the "dollar" could symbolize commercialism or greed. I don't know, I'm jsut rambling now. Tell me what you think.

Once again...I'm bored. Can't you tell?

My god, I just got the urge to watch The Wall again...totally random.
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