IC Information

Mar 17, 2010 23:10

powers, skills, pets and equipment:
The ability to steal other deadmen's branch of sin by licking their blood.

canon history:
When Toto was first introduced, it started out to be in the former chief’s room. It was where he stood upon a piano overlooking Shiro on the floor. He couldn’t figure out what form of ‘I’ to use, since in Japan, there are several ways. After he corrected himself when he used the feminine form of I and revert to the neutral form, it is indicated that Toto had nearly forgotten about his own name. The reason behind this might be when states how his body was reset. It was reset, because of his fight with Shiro or the wretched egg. Unfortunately, during his conversation with Shiro, he couldn’t kept it longer. When he realized that the snacks he was sharing with Shiro were full of alcohol, he didn’t bother with her anymore. His next objective was to seek out his own snacks, such as, branches of sin.

The next time Toto was seen when he was supposedly spying on the ongoing plan of the Scar Chain or the deadmen who are rebelling against the facility. It wasn’t long before he was found by Hibana; one of the undertakers. He barely lifted a finger to get rid of her. It is also an implication that even though, he doesn’t have any of his abilities-he can still manage to cause some damage.

It now looks like Toto only appears when something interesting and dramatic is happening. In which, he enters the area where the deadmen are situated in the lounge. He proves to be quite knowledgeable of the prison more than the other deadmen around. It came to be a shock to Senji when Toto reappeared in front of him. According to Senji, Toto is the strongest deadman alive. Another thing that he noticed was Toto drastic change in personality. He states that Toto used to be ‘battle-crazy.’ But, in return-Toto says he is in his weakest form because of not having any abilities. His only option was to start over and take other’s blood by licking them.

As the event of the Carnival Corpse arrives and the forgeries are put into action, Toto comes into the spotlight again just to save to the other deadmen who was forced to play a deadly game. It was the only time he was able to use the ability in which he had stolen from Senji earlier. Something got in the way of Toto’s target and it was Ganta who went out and used his branch of sin. His branch of sin caused the whole arena to collapsed and destroyed. Afterwards, three days had passed and Toto looked unharmed. He had only appeared to warn Ganta merrily about what he did three days ago.

Toto is a very interesting character, because of the way he is portryed and the way he acts. When he first appears, Toto gives off a rather creepy but cheerful vibe. When he started to talk with Shiro, his personality utimately brightens up. The persona he carries is always animated or chipper. This isn't always the case since Toto seemed to see humans as interesting and amusing themselves. In an instance, he asked Shiro about her reactions to Ganta and in the end, he would happily manipulate her a little.

Most of the time, he is spouting about love here and there. This could relate to his ability in which he calls it, 'Love Labrynith.' Whenever words like 'accept my love,' he is looking for a fight. In another aspect of his personality, Toto doesn't understand how being touched by a female feels like. An example, during the celebration of his return--Shiro appeared and held onto Ganta's arm closely. He was hiding behind a tree at the time asking if what being touched by a girl feels like.

He is mysterious most of the time and not much is known about him other than his psychotic mind. Since he used to be one of those batshit crazy deadmen, but ever since he took on a battle against the wretched egg; Toto is mostly the opposite. Like stated earlier, he became more 'loose.' Not only that, Toto can be quite strange. In fact, he speaks in metaphors and it is obvious that he isn't a straight forward person.


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