
May 15, 2004 18:39

oh my gosh i am so happy right now...the other day i emailed jeremy the other day and said: hey! whats up with you? nothing much here. it is very hard to talk to you. did you know that? i think i am going to lay back on the whole calling you everyday thing, not because i dont want to talk to you because i like talking to you. you are funny and we get along quite well. but because i feel like i have been calling you too much and when i do that i and i dont talk to you i start to feel like a stalker, and i dont like it. but i stiil want to meet you dont forget that. i think you really cool. i heard that kenny told you to ask me out and you said ne because you want to meet me first...and i respect that. and i really dont care if you smoke. talk to you later love kelsey.
And the yesturday he emailed me back and made me really happy by saying: Hey Kelsey!
sorry I haven't called or e-mailed you in a while.I don't want you to
stop calling me because I love talking to you and I don't want to grow
distant at all. I want to meet you and even go out with you to be
honest. If you don't want to talk to me again that's fine, but please just
automatically give up right off the top.I'll call you today
(05./14/04)and even call you every day if you don't.Even if it makes me look
like a stalker lol.please call me if I don't call first K!
Love Jeremy!
and before i got the email he called me and told that he thought i would be a cool girlfriend!!! omg i am so freaking happy. i really need to meet him, but the thing is i want to bring tanya and kenny b/c jeremy knows kenny and i dont want to go by myself. but i am really mad at kenny and he doesnt seem to understand that i am really mad at him. i cat wait to meet jeremy!!!
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