it's oh so quiet

Feb 16, 2008 23:16

ummmmm not upated for a while so thought i should pop something on.
Weight loss hasn't been fantastic on & off but had a break through last week, lost 4lbs yipee. Put it down to the fact that for the first time in a month i had no alcohol over the weekend.
today me & eddie have spent the day together as for the first time in ages we have nothing planned.
got up late (9.30am) bumbled around hugged eddie lots, then took him off for his massage (anniversary treat, oh my god where have the last 5 years gone!) Popped in to see Eddie's sister who has a very shy new boyfriend (he stayed in their bedroom the whole time we were there)
went home, ironing, blah, shopping, blah dinner etc etc
We have a whole empty day to fill tomorrow as well so if any of you are free & want to pop in for coffee, dinner, cards or a chat just call round we'd love to see you x
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