Nov 26, 2011 04:50
i think about you all the time lately. the curve of your neck. your taste on my tongue. the smell of you, when i press my cheek against your groin. i miss leaning against your arms, and the way your palms touch me.
those memories are still alive in my mind.
there's days where i'm soaking wet. and i'm standing in a room full of strangers. but i'm in that thought, with you. i'm in that room where you've pushed me back against the wall.
and i've never processed my emotions well. i could never connect with you in words from my lips
i smiled in thought, and i felt every cold glass that surrounded us. have you ever felt that silence?
that moment of complete stillness. everything is calm. everything is bright and crystal clear.
my eyes are wide open. and i see you. every pore, every line and wrinkle.
and in my minds eye we are still in that room. and i'm still touching you.
all i want to do is eat you alive.