this is really sick, please dont hate me, but i found it so disturbing that i HAD 2 share it
Dumbest Crimes of 2002
by seanbaby ( )
THE CHARGE: Animal Cruelty of a Way, Way Insane Nature
A serial horse penis mutilator has struck in Thurgoona for the fourth time in seven months. Yes, you read that right. This time the victim was Samuel, a six-year-old gelding, who is still being treated for his injuries. According to authorities, the mutilator has used the same technique for each attack. He places a rope around the horse’s yoo hoo and pulls it, causing... you know what? Let’s just leave it up to your imagination after I assure you that the horses would have much rather not had their genitalia near this psycho.
What could cause a man to do something like this? Well, according to Samuel’s owner, Lionel Loveless, “He is some sort of sick bastard.” Lionel then told reporters, “I would like to have one minute with him; it would be the longest minute of his life.” Strong words, but keep in mind that he’s threatening someone who mutilates horse penises. If one of someone’s hobbies is unspeakable crotch horror, you’re going to have a tough time upsetting them.
Risk: 8/10
After the third attack, the community in the area set up an organization called Horsewatch. And although it might not take a team of scientists to outsmart a few ranchers who’ve declared themselves the guardian angels of horse genitals, you’re going to be in a lot of trouble if they catch you. Criminals have rights, but I don’t think anyone’s going to argue too much if the cop that finds this one opens fire. The police captain will call the officer into his office and scream, “You’re a loose cannon, Fizketti! The mayor is not going to stand for any more of these lone wolf shootings from this precin- wait. What? He did what to four whats? Jesus Christ, I hope you washed your gun after you shot him.”
Payoff: 0/10
Despite what you might have heard, mutilating a horse penis yields surprisingly few rewards. Even if Imperiax’s horse-hating Moon Men one day conquer our planet and declare this activity as legal, it really doesn’t have much going for it.
see the whole article at