Okay, so I've decided to participate in dark_bingo.
Warning: Contents contain potentially triggering subject manners. When fills have been completed, those fills will contain descriptions and/or mentions of said triggering subjects.
Oh my, the last time I signed up for one of these, I didn't complete a damned thing! Not only that, I really shouldn't sign up for anything else. I owe an Angel fic, and at least three SPN fics for charity and I STILL haven't done them. Tis sad, dood. SAD.
Haha, aww :) I'm sure you'd get at least a line done :D Tut, naughty, naughty.
Thing is, I want to do a Blackour (all squares) but I have no idea how to do half the things on my card. Abduction's easy - Doctor Who video! And then I'm stuck lol.
I'm too busy writing filthy, naughty pornage that no one is going to read, lol!! So naughty about covers it...duty-shirker does, too. *Is a sad, sick woman*
Dude, you ever need ideas, run a prompt by me, I'm sure I can throw a tidbit your way for your musie to wrestle with.
I hope so..it has been AGES. I'm just happy my Muse came back though! Hiatuses with her are nasty for me.
Haha. Aw, I'd read it, but pornage doesn't interest me sadly :( Hehe, you're not sad! Sick, maybe, but in a very excellent way!
I could use help with the 'archaic medical treatment' - seriously, I have no idea what to do with it.
:D Yay, it's awesome when muses come back! Say hi to her for me!
Heh, I lost inspiration to write for over a year. But then a Big Bang came along that I would never participate in normally (mpreg :P I stay away from it) but it's got me back to writing! And I is loving it :)
Aww, tis cool. Tis pornage no one wants to read anyway! Rory-Eleven doesn't necessarily float anyone's boat, lol!
Hmmmm...trepanning? Maybe the Doctor and Amy get stranded on a primitive planet and they know the Doctor's a telepath and try to 'cure' him by releasing his inner demons? Just a thought...*shrugs* and a sucky one, I'm sure, lol! Hey - I didn't say they'd be GOOD.
I did...fifty lashes. She has now officially declared her love for you *cackles*
Ohhhh, I've been there. What a long hard year that must have been!! YAY! So glad you got her back! Tis amazing the things that will make them crawl back out, isn't it?
... And now I want to read it. I hate you right now, you realise? Rory/11 is one of my favourite pairings, damn you! *shakes fist*
OKAY, HATE FORGOTTEN, NOW I BLOODY LOVE YOU AGAIN! That idea is fantastic! And includes the Doctor's telepathy, which is only my favourite thing to explore with his character! Can I marry your mind, please? :D
LOL. I mean :O Haha.
It was :( It sucks being there, doesn't it? :) It is amazing!
Really? Thought I was practically the only person on the planet (aside from a few vidders) who liked that pairing, lol! Well...me and two other people who read my snippets on a constant. Well *sniffs* tis non-conny/dub-conny anyway, so that'll stop you from wanting it, lol!! *Clings to naughty mind-fucky-porny snippets*
LOL!! Have at! I know you can rawk this! I dunno about marry, but you can share a bunk with it...be aware though - there are a few other friends in that bunk, too. Gets kinda crowded (but the kink potential is awesome *cackles*)
SO. BAD. I love it when she comes back out to play!!
Heh, I know it's not popular, but there are fans of it :D Oh, non-con/dub-con fic doesn't bother me (hence why I didn't request that it not be put on the list of dark prompts for my bingo :)). Haha.
:D I can try and 'rawk' it; don't know how well I will though, lol. Aw :( *gets bat to kick everyone else out* *is selfish* Mwahahaha!
Well...t'ain't much there (and it's not good) but here's what I've got. It's kind of...in the middlish (but that's my Musie for you *slaps her*). There is a first part listed in the summary that you may wanna read first. If you bother with this damned thing at all:
Okay, took a look at the 'snippet' and loved it, by the way :) I adore your writing style *makes note to go stalk look through your other stuff*
But I had to stop with the part you linked to. It's nothing against your writing at all - I actually read the first few paragraphs and loved them :D But... too much pornage lol. Yes, I'm that weird. Sorry :)
Just two things - you put 'suspender' instead of 'brace' at the start, and Time Lord is two words :) *is nitpicky*
Aw :) Haha, okay, I'll just get the chloroform... *grins maniacally*
Ohh, thankies! Glad you liked it, lol! Try the other stuff that's less porny, thre is more of it than I orginially thought, lol!
Tis cool, bb - to each their own! In the end, the Doctor figured out a clever way to reboot his reboot. Steal River's diary before it reached Amy's hands. Rory would get everything he wanted and things would be set the way they were suppose to be. Rory objected...a little violently, lol!! Thouh I still maintain that porn is never porny enough - tis too thinky in the end. Which most of my readers seem to like *is confused*
ARGH. See? Tis shit like that...*sigh* I has an excuse! Tis unbeta'd or Brit-picked. *Has more excuses if need be*
Why don't you sign up (you can 'til February I think, haha)? :D You get a list of prompts and can fill them with vids, fic, graphics, etc :)
Thing is, I want to do a Blackour (all squares) but I have no idea how to do half the things on my card. Abduction's easy - Doctor Who video! And then I'm stuck lol.
Haha, I'm sure you'll get them done :)
I can spell :P
Dude, you ever need ideas, run a prompt by me, I'm sure I can throw a tidbit your way for your musie to wrestle with.
I hope so..it has been AGES. I'm just happy my Muse came back though! Hiatuses with her are nasty for me.
I could use help with the 'archaic medical treatment' - seriously, I have no idea what to do with it.
:D Yay, it's awesome when muses come back! Say hi to her for me!
Heh, I lost inspiration to write for over a year. But then a Big Bang came along that I would never participate in normally (mpreg :P I stay away from it) but it's got me back to writing! And I is loving it :)
Hmmmm...trepanning? Maybe the Doctor and Amy get stranded on a primitive planet and they know the Doctor's a telepath and try to 'cure' him by releasing his inner demons? Just a thought...*shrugs* and a sucky one, I'm sure, lol! Hey - I didn't say they'd be GOOD.
I did...fifty lashes. She has now officially declared her love for you *cackles*
Ohhhh, I've been there. What a long hard year that must have been!! YAY! So glad you got her back! Tis amazing the things that will make them crawl back out, isn't it?
*HUGS you happily*
OKAY, HATE FORGOTTEN, NOW I BLOODY LOVE YOU AGAIN! That idea is fantastic! And includes the Doctor's telepathy, which is only my favourite thing to explore with his character! Can I marry your mind, please? :D
LOL. I mean :O Haha.
It was :( It sucks being there, doesn't it? :) It is amazing!
*squashes you in a hug forever*
LOL!! Have at! I know you can rawk this! I dunno about marry, but you can share a bunk with it...be aware though - there are a few other friends in that bunk, too. Gets kinda crowded (but the kink potential is awesome *cackles*)
SO. BAD. I love it when she comes back out to play!!
:D I can try and 'rawk' it; don't know how well I will though, lol. Aw :( *gets bat to kick everyone else out* *is selfish* Mwahahaha!
*starts dance party*
Blue Morning
Stop it. You'll make it awesome cause I believe it so! And stop kicking and hitting at the others! They get excited when you do that, lol!
But I had to stop with the part you linked to. It's nothing against your writing at all - I actually read the first few paragraphs and loved them :D But... too much pornage lol. Yes, I'm that weird. Sorry :)
Just two things - you put 'suspender' instead of 'brace' at the start, and Time Lord is two words :) *is nitpicky*
Aw :) Haha, okay, I'll just get the chloroform... *grins maniacally*
Tis cool, bb - to each their own! In the end, the Doctor figured out a clever way to reboot his reboot. Steal River's diary before it reached Amy's hands. Rory would get everything he wanted and things would be set the way they were suppose to be. Rory objected...a little violently, lol!! Thouh I still maintain that porn is never porny enough - tis too thinky in the end. Which most of my readers seem to like *is confused*
ARGH. See? Tis shit like that...*sigh* I has an excuse! Tis unbeta'd or Brit-picked. *Has more excuses if need be*
LOL! I like your thinking!
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