Feb 17, 2008 00:27
I really feel like I am starting to realize who i am. like the things that I do and the decisions I make, both good and bad really define me. Like i really have found out that I am a people pleaser. Like i will do anything to make someone not nessisarily like me but be happy around me does that make sense? I also although have realized im a hypocryte with some things. I feel bad but then again i dont. oh well. I am really trying to be someone different than i was back home. Like back home, everything bugged me, people got to me really easily, i didn't give people a chance i dont know, just being short or like excluding myself. But here i am trying to be way more open. Its really helping just being around the people I am to i think, cuz there all so different. Shit happens, but you eventually learn that you have to get over it right? Thats the part that I am at right now. I am trying to get over stuff. I let things bother me to much and living like that is freaking hard to do. I dont know basically what I am saying is back home and all my life I have always "sweat(ed)? the small stuff" and like being up here, im trying not to do that. Its not good and it can't help me at all in the end. So I am trying
Well thats about as deep as I can get right now. I have really really wanted to go to a club the past like week and hopefully i will go soon. I know like me wanting to go clubbing? Retarded. My roommates are rubbing off on me. DAYUM!! OK goodbye! Ill talk to you all later!