(no subject)

Dec 17, 2009 17:25

First, this:

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Words can not describe how much I love this band. "Delicate Wire" is my all time fave cd.

Next, I am done with all my shopping. My home will be rich in Handy Manny stuff soon. I got Aiden a toddler-proof digital camera. It's so cool. He plays with my pld phone and takes pix all the time. You can usb this up and have pics your kid took. I plan on doing something with this. Take some of the coolest ones, make em black and white, and print them. They now own Mickey Mouse's Choo Choo Express. I'm sure I'll regret that.

Oh yeah, and when I woke up this morning, Marek was standing next to the bed with no pants on, in a pair of my stilettos. HAHAHAHA.
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