Idea dump. No, not dump ... headrest.

Dec 22, 2012 12:54

Don't feel like posting all my copyright-infringing ideas to Facebook, plus most of my fellow writers are here.

Ur-idea: What only requires water and sunlight? Plants. Superman is a plant, because Kryptonians are exceptionally-evolved space weeds. I wanted (want?) him to face off against Swamp Thing for control of "The Green," the colloquial name in the DCU for "Earth's vegetable consciousness."

"The Red" is Grant Morrison's name for "Earth's animal consciousness" as embodied/used by heroes like Animal Man and Vixen -- RG(B) -- "The Blue" is my personal name for Earth's "earth consciousness," used primarily by Geo-Force and his family. I have a sort of fairytale/murder mystery sketched out about "The Blue," but it's embryonic and I never finish anything because I have to let go of it. Wah.

Currently working on a (rare) original idea about religion/Jungian species-consciousness, Mars, and what's essentially an arms race and a parallel to the nuclear proliferation struggle on Earth, but it's also very rough and somewhat saccharine and needs more pathos.

During early sobriety I sketched a question in my notebook: 'Why is Batman not the Spectre? That is, given that his parents were murdered unjustly, why is Mister "I am the night, I am vengeance?!" NOT ACTUALLY CHOSEN to be the Spirit of Vengeance?' I like where the idea ... is, it's one of my most complete, but I always have trouble getting from A to B without sounding hollow and corny and contrived.
(I know the answer to the question, incidentally, but putting it all together is difficult.)

I have a half-finished Captain Marvel story, too.

Then there's my one certifiably copyright-free idea, about the relationship of "a hero" to "a city." Also rough, parallel to 'Death of Superman,' could go one of several ways.

So that's it. Writers, pick ye an idea you want to help explore. Taaalk tooo meee. Feedback and collaboration and competition and brainstorming is the only way I can think of to move any of this shit forward, because I damn well ought to be published by now.
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