
Mar 30, 2012 23:02

The sort of auto-generic-question meme is on hiatus, or moved, or whatever, so I saw peteralway asking the ol' Friday Five or just "learn more about me!" foo and volunteered. Here are his questions:

1. I assume "lickingtoad" is a reference to a toad whose natural defense is to exude a neurotoxin whose effects on the primate brain are hallucinogenic in a desireable way. Have you ever licked such a toad?

I have not. Regular ol' psilocybin mushrooms and LSD had to do. I toy academically with one more swing on the spiral, but standard awakeness-and-awareness is special enough.

2. Since Wednesday is or common thread, a Wednesday Lee Friday question for you. You get to be a character in "Kiss Me Like You Love Me." Which do you want to be, the sociopathic serial killer, or the hapless victim?

Neither. I'd probably be the driven police detective whose urge to do good has twisted consequences. I am too empathic to be a proper serial killer and too post-traumatic stressy to be a complacent victim. I'd chew my leg off to escape, if I had to. They have super-futuristic prosthetic SPAAACE LEEEGS!

3) What is the first limerick, classic or original, that jumps into your head?

There was a young gigolo named Bruno,
who said, “Screwing is one thing I do know.
While women are fine,
and sheep are divine,
llamas are numero uno!”

4. What is the coolest thing you ever built, be it from tinkertoys or out of wood from trees you cut down with your bare hands, or office supplies, or art supplies, or out of electrons in the heart of a computer, or something else.

Bronze-casting! Bronze makes everything better -- one student in my class cast a bar of Irish Spring soap, and it was the coolest bar of Irish Spring I'd ever seen. I'll point you at my proudest achievement on Facebook, p'raps, whereupon I have a picture of it stored.

5. I don't want to know what your religious beliefs may or may not be, but if you could pick or design the afterlife, or lack of afterlife, that you'd *like* to happen to you, what would it be.

It's been pointed out that Eternity would be at first boring and then certainly insanity-making, eventually. But I am finite and I fear "stopping." Not being. I want to believe that energy cannot be created or destroyed, that our EM pattern does /something/ after the shell returns to the dust. But I 'unno what.

So much to share with my loved ones and relatives -- maybe even people who did me wrong, in a perfect world. So many questions about the nature of Things. If I can't explore outer space as a blob of heat or electricity or soul, I don't so much mind the idea of being swallowed by Sol and "supernovaed out" as a chunk of asteroid or a gold deposit to be a part of a new planet somewhere.

Paradise ... meh. Time with friends and family I miss? Bingo.
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