there is only two important things in my life. two things that i will never be able to get over.
the best boyfriend i could have asked for, who pretty much every day has a new surprise for me.
i can never get enough of his love. he treats me better than i could have ever wanted.
i dont ask for anything he does. we synchronize each other with out words.
then there is my sweet love alpine, who i race home from work everyday just to see him and roll
around with him.
i have the most beautiful creatures to share my life with.
i have no complaints, i would change nothing.
and here are some random pictures of the nights i will never forget.
i love abbie's neck and hate my face
i miss alpine's little (huge) girlfriend, daisy bum
my lil fluffer when he was a pup
my super cool brother.
my favorite game to play on a rainy day
the horse i rode
my mom and my super duper cool brothers nipple
hahahaha and mike p from many years ago... hahahah
yupp. im bored. alone with my pooch waiting for steve to get home from work in about 5 hours....