everything seemsgood until everything goes wrong.....

Apr 28, 2005 10:59

so yesterday we got out early bc we had ACT testing.so holly and i left the school adn went to kyle's house. he was still sleeping bc he had no school that day,lucky senior. so we left and an hour later went to go pick him up.then we went to curt's house and then we got christy. we chilled and then saw Miss Congeniality. it was okay.

Kyle'sandmine 9 month anniversary was yseterday and he wnet to diamonds. hmmmm.i usually wouldnt care but yesterday was supposed to be our special day. even though we didnt hangout that much it still was supposed to be special.i dont wantto tlell himthis but it really does get to me. its like im not interesting or pretty enough that he has to go pay some slut to turn himon. i know it sounds reasonable, but i really dontwatntomake a big deal out of it.i just feelvery self concsiouse after shit like this happens and then i start to think that something is wrong withme.i dont know.sometimes it feels as if that ruch that i usedto feel when he would hold me or kiss me is starting to fade. i dontknow... i just had to vent

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