So. If you haven't noticed yet, this journal is completely naked. I've stripped all the entries and started fresh. The only thing in existence is four entries that I've made private for myself.
Why? Well, I've basically given up on keeping this place afloat. So from this day forth, or at least the next day, this place will take on its new role: my icon journal. I had the
chosenword thing, but honestly, that's not going to work. I really, really want to show off my stuff and actually feel proud of the place I do it. As of late, both those journals are dead. It will feature Hugh Dancy, Orlando Bloom, Grey's Anatomy, House...whatever icons I feel like making based on whatever mood I'm in. I'll also include screencaps, mood themes, music videos, and wallpapers like I always did. On occasion, maybe a picspam. Maybe even a personal entry. It depends on how I feel. My journal. :]
So if you don't want to stick around, please comment this journal and I'll remove you back. I clearly want as many people to stay as possible. I love everyone on my list for a lot of reasons and I genuinely appreciate everyone who has stuck around or commented even while my inspiration was dwindling. I also want people to enjoy my icons and tell me what they think of them for better or for worst. I promise I will post. This is a thing I'm doing for myself.
And with that, I'll see ya later!