
Jul 29, 2006 00:39

Give me something to essay on! I'm bored!

This is for all of my characters. Kimimaro, Kio, Youji, Anko. Whatever you want to ask. Anything! CAN YOU TELL I'M BORED?

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lick_it_ July 31 2006, 21:23:32 UTC
...can't you just read the other essays I wrote on Kio? :(

For Kio, love is obviously an important thing. It... it doesn't really matter what kind of love really, because his friendship with Soubi is the reason for a lot of his canon actions, and not necessarily because he's in love with him.

Sooo... I'd say that friendship-type love matters more to Kio than any sort of romantic love ever could. He's fine with sort of pushing the more intense feelings of real, true love out of the way to focus on things that matter more, like friendship; this is mostly a result of how Kio's been treated by Soubi, so he's adapted. And that's why Kio flirts and treats his friends the same way he treats Oscar, for the most part. Which is why he can have completely innuendo-laden conversations, or act a little close to Akiha and Rikuou and see nothing wrong with it. Of course, Oscar is top camp-priority, and that's because of their relationship. But take away that, and Oscar is placed on the same level as Kio's important camp friends. If they ever do break up, Kio will probably go about trying to make things the same as before, just minus the little intimacies.

That being said, I think I've said already that Kio's not in love with Oscar, but he's as close as he's probably going to get to love with a non-Soubi person. This is because while Kio has his moments of clarity and insightfulness, he's really a romantic at heart, and the longer he's with Oscar (ALMOST FIVE MONTHS!!), the more he knows that he likes being with him, which just makes him feel stronger. In his opinion, love's the sort of feeling that can grow on a person, which is what happened with Oscar. And despite the fighting, it's what's going to continue to happen.

...until we get a Soubi, of course.


deine_mutti August 1 2006, 03:39:28 UTC

One day you should really force me to essay. Also.. I only asked about this because of the fact that they have been that long together such that that L word is sort of popping up in his mind. But at the same time, he's still quite aware of the circumstances between them such that he knows that even if he feels that way, he won't get the same response.

Or something like that.


lick_it_ August 1 2006, 03:42:59 UTC


deine_mutti August 1 2006, 03:45:05 UTC
Oh shush, I'm too lazy to switch accounts. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.


lick_it_ August 1 2006, 03:48:44 UTC

Essay for me? Please? A long one? :o


deine_mutti August 1 2006, 03:50:47 UTC

How about be more specific? or vague? topics, please!


lick_it_ August 1 2006, 04:02:30 UTC


deine_mutti August 1 2006, 04:23:22 UTC
Okay, you asked for Kio's wife deal.

Well, what more do you want to know in that aspect? To say that he was shocked to find out all along that Kio has been keeping that a secret (or in his case, being so lovably stupid as to not thing it was a big deal) is pretty obvious.

In looking at his reactions to said wife, a number of things do come to mind; first of all the whole "Kio's gay?" point, feeling betrayed and used, and then at a more sneaky p.o.v., the fact that if Kio forgot to mention something THAT big, then what other secrets could he be hiding?

And since I have briefly covered upon points one and two in my last essay about Kio's wife, let's talk about the latter. To Oscar, Kio just seems like such a happy-go lucky guy that it really does surprise him that he has deep secrets like this. So there is that level of confusion as to whether he was holding any more secrets like that which affect their relationship and to a lesser extent, Oscar's psyche and his confidence. Because again, now he's like, a third rate in the perspective of Kio's life.

Being at camp is actually beneficial in that aspect, because while they are at camp, Oscar feels just slightly better, since the other competitors aren't around. But at the same time, one will never know when they might actually arrive at camp, so there is always that nagging feeling. And it does help a lot when Kio does say certain things to him, because he does find it really meaningful, and reinforces a number of things he would be skeptical about.


deine_mutti August 1 2006, 04:23:35 UTC
this was longer than intended.


lick_it_ August 1 2006, 04:25:57 UTC


overacting August 1 2006, 04:35:45 UTC
Love you too!


deine_mutti August 1 2006, 04:39:59 UTC
So I'm going to be retarded and ask.. how WOULD Kio feel if Hime ever says the L word to him?


lick_it_ August 1 2006, 04:50:52 UTC

No, really. For Kio, no matter how much he likes Oscar, he knows this is a camp thing, and the last thing he wants is Oscar being to Kio what Kio is to Soubi. He's already made that mistake once with The Wife, and he's not going to do it again. He knows it's unfair.

If Oscar ever said "I love you", Kio would... he wouldn't run from the relationship, but he'd definitely get really uncomfortable and hesitant about the entire thing. Probably noticeably so. He'd rationalize by saying that it's for Oscar's benefit, but honestly? He'd just be ridicoulously scared.

So if we ever wanna break them up, that's option #2 behind "Soubi arrives".


deine_mutti August 1 2006, 04:55:57 UTC
Wow. See I think it's kinda interesting perspective. OOOH. Though I find it interesting how he can have such straight black and white views on some points of relationships, but completely casual in others.


snakesonanin August 1 2006, 05:02:30 UTC
Despite Kio's efforts to make it a "serious" relationship, he wants to... shy away from the actual serious aspects of it.

...yeah, I don't know either.


deine_mutti August 1 2006, 05:05:36 UTC
That's confusing.


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