I've put it off for long enough. I must update. I simply must.
Ok, the concert was great. I spent more time fighting the crowd than I did getting to watch the guys, but thank goodness for ears.(so I can hear. get it?) AAAAnyway...It was amazing. The last concert was a bit more intense, but considering it was an acoustic show, it was simply inspiring. So diverse and just a lot going on. I fought my way to 2nd "row" and all I got out of it was a perfect view. What a shame. Oh...I fucked up my finger too, but thats ok. My battle wounds made me even more proud because well..They werent in vain. Plus, I started off like 17 "rows" back and before the concert started I was like "Ashley...I'm getting to at least 3rd row." And I did even better than I expected. Yeah, thats right Hanson, you better fuckin appreciate your fans. Yup....Apparently Dallas is going with us next time. That should be interesting...Umm, after the show, me and Ashley went out back and waited by the bus for... a while. I was cold and tired and...It was worth every second of misery. Yes, as most of you know, I met Hanson. I met Zac first. He signed autographs and smiled like he didnt really wanna be there. Cant say I blame him...The people are nuts. I shook his hand, got his autographs and was just like "wow..." His hands remind me of Dallas'. Just the way they feel and stuff. Or maybe the way he grabs them. I dunno. It was wonderful...Kayla tried to lick my hand. Ha! I knew you still liked Hanson. It was amusing cuz Zac kept grabbing people's camera's and taking pictures of himself...What a funny kid. He was really nice, but in a fake way. Oh well...Thats life. He signed my shirt and moved right along...I met Ike second. He...is really really funny. Really. Yeah. He was genuinely nice and took his time signing autographs. He blew on everything he signed(to make sure the ink was dry)...I perceived that as thoughtful of him. Which it was. He was also amusing with the camera's because instead of just smiling and looking pretty for them, he made a bunch of faces instead. It was good. I asked him(jokingly, not in a teeny bopper way) if I could have his tie and he looked at me, grabbed one end of it and said "you aint gettin dis tie babe."(it was a weird voice he was doing) lol He seemed like a lot of fun. Again, he signed my shirt and went on his way... Last, but most certainly not least was Taylor. Wow...Talk about a beautiful guy. Taylor was really really nice in more of a sweet, "ladies love me and I know it" kind of way. The conversation with Taylor was minimal because many girls were speaking to him at once. I remember saying something to him, but I just dont recall what...I called Kate and he talked to her on the phone for a minute and was amusing...I held the phone for him. lol I touched his hair!! j/k..No, really I did, but yeah...He has nice hair. He was a really sweet guy and funny, but had a bit to live up to after Ike came through. For instance, this silly conversation with some random girl.
Random Girl: "Taylor, you rock my ass!"
Taylor: "I rock your ass?"
RG: "Yeah, you have since like 6th grade"
T: "6th grade huh? Thats a bit young for me to be rockin your ass..."
Ha, what a perv. He signed my shirt and it was over. They're all perfect in real life, by the way...The pics you see of them arent touched up....They really do look like that...Even up close. Crazy huh? Yup. After Taylor signed my shirt, me and Ashley left. I slept on the way home. Hanson made life not so bad. I owe them my sanity....Sort of.
Here are some picture from the Cincy show..I did not take these, although I wish I would've risked it and taken my camera. Oh well. These pics are from their website. The view it gives is basically how I saw it. There was one girl's head between Ike and Zac, but no blockage at all. I rule. Ok.. look!
I love how Taylor really gets into it...
Sweet eh? Oh gosh I have a headache...
TJ wrote me a letter. I'm hesitant to reply with no logical explanation...Life is crazy.
Ya know whats bullshit? YOU'RE bullshit. I'm so pissed off at you you cant imagine. BULL-FUCKING-SHIT
Kate, I'm not mad at you. Ashley didnt say anything. Whether you agree with stuff or not, I'm not mad at you. You have your own mind. Please think what you will. I'd be disappointed otherwise.
Tomorrow is going to be fun. I hope I can go...I still need to ask. Why the hell do I always do this??? Geez.
Oh...Good luck, Daniel. :-)
Well, I'm thinkin theres more to say but...Isnt there always? I'll try to update more often. Forgive my transgressions. Ok, I'm gone now...Later.