Jun 09, 2010 12:27
I am sending this out to every news channel I can think of. I am done trusting that the Disney company will do what's best for me, and I want to get my story out there so everyone will know about it. If you want to pass it along in any media, please feel free to do so, I am making this post public so that everyone who comes to my LJ can see it.
My name is Alicia Matheson. I worked for Walt Disney Travel in Anaheim, CA for two years. Over time, I developped pain and limited mobility in my right dominant hand due to the repetitive motions involved in my work. Because there was no alternate work to give me, I was taken off of work and for the next two years was sent to several different doctors and underwent a few different procedures, none of which improved my condition. I was then pronounced permanently disabled. My total cash reward given for my permanent injury equaled about $2700. Disney then attempted to find a different job for me. I was sent on one interview and was not chosen for the position. I was then told that since there was no other position available within my restrictions and since I had overextended my leave of absence, I would then be fired from the company. I tried to argue that I have only been in compliance with what the company told me to do, it wasn't my fault that the doctors took this long to diagnose me and find my injury to be permanent, and it isn't my fault that there isn't a position currently open within my limitations. I asked if Disney cared that because I worked for them I ended up crippled for life and will probably not be able to find a normal job again, or that I have no income and may end up homeless because applying for Disability takes 5 to 6 months for approval. I was told that this was company policy, so the fact that working for Disney was the cause of my disability didn't enter into it at all. Because my position wasn't Union, I have no protection from this action. I can't afford a lawyer and don't even know if I have a case, and I can't afford to go to private doctors to see if the decision can be contested. I felt that, because Disney is such a large company and often heralded for their fair treatment of employees, that this should be brought to public attention. Thank you for your time.