Death to Fathers

Mar 18, 2004 20:55

Hello to all! It's been awhile, but I really wanted to write about something that has really been bugging me!!! Every time I go home me and my dad seem to get into a fight about that stupid ass law they are trying to pass against lesbian/gay marriage in Michigan. Of course, being the homophobe sexist pig that he is, he is totally for it. And I, of course, am against it with a passion. So he goes into his blabber about how homosexuality is gross, immoral, and out right wrong, where as I defend those who have every damn right to be whatever they want to be. This last weekend he had the nerve to say that it was "perverted". After arguing again, he actually said, "So you don't think it is perverted for one man to stick his penis up another man's butt?". I mean, does a relationship have to be totally about sex, absolutely NOT! My dad is such a prick. For one why the hell should any of these assholes who think homosexuals shouldn't get the right to marry have anything to say, because the whole thing has nothing to do with them and why should they care about something they never have to see or be a part of. They don't have to think it is right or moral, or even like it, but why do they have to prevent others from having happiness. I mean someday I hope maybe I can get married...and no one should be able to take that away. The whole thing just angers me to the breaking point. And to know how my dad truly thinks about me as a person is really great, not that I didn't already know. But actually it didn't hurt me that much, but only pissed me off. I think I am beginning to get a bit hardened around him. I mean 19 years of constant emotional abuse has got to eventually harden you up a bit. Oh, by the way, I got an interesting comment ahile back, couple months actually...and just replied to it. Well, if the comment poster is out there...I finally read your post! On another note, I have really been trying to work on my book lately, but it turns out the next part I have to write really needs some angry inspiration to write it. Being away from my dad kind of makes me forget how awful he is at times and I need that rage to write this important chapter. Anyways, not much else to say...guess I'll crusie the internet. If anyone who reads this ever wants to chat...I would love somemore conversationalists! I'm powyli on AIM and MSN.
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