Mar 07, 2008 12:27
Worked late last night.
I used it as a chance to try out Neflix watch on-line.
I had to install and patch a tone of obtrusive stuff...but it was very cool once I got it working.
Even over the iffy wi-fi connection I was using I got good quality will almost no hiccups.
I watched some anime. Actually this is a nice adjunct to the Netflix service. I may use it for e-pod stuff too.
Note to self e-pod ASAP!! I am rapidly gaining weight :(
When I got home I played WoW on the back porch - keeping the dog company :)
Except for a couple of mosquitoes (and the dog trying to eat my power supply) it was pritty nice out :)
Good news is I don't have to work Saturday. The bad news is I have to come in extra early on Monday - or do the setup Sunday Night. :(
Hopefully I will have the energy and motivation to do some cleaning this weekend. Get stuff pot away. Maybe even make some headway in the garage.
So this weekend:
House network - install switch, fix e-pod connection.
Recycle Run
Keep cleaning the pond
Try to bag some more trash / yard work (at least 3 more bags to "Max out")