I saw this linked from BoingBoing.
http://greencycles.blogspot.com/2007/06/overview.htmlYou can never know how accurate things are on-line and after the fact.
(But it "feels" about right, given my own personal experience with our legal and justice system.)
I have no real comment or response, except a desire to "pass it on". My instinct is that the root of the problem with many things is we, as a public, turn a blind eye to things. Apathy resulting from a sense of powerless to effect change.
And while I too feel powerless to actual /do/ anything*..... (our legal and social acceptable options as mere "citizens" are cumbersome, limited and inefficient.) My instinct is to watch, to remember, and to make known that I do.
I guess I believe, that except for true sociopaths, most people will conduct themselves much differently if they know that there actions will be known.
After re-reading this post it seems so somber... more so than I feel. Eh I don't have easy words to decribe it all.
Just a moment of..pause. If that makes any sense.