Some of our new members might not be aware of how to use the tags here on LJ. They're very useful things, helping everyone to keep track of what characters are posting and so on. If you look at the community LJ, you'll see a list of tags in the right side bar, and clicking on a tag will take you to all the posts relating to that particular character or prompt table or admin post.
Anyway, here is a brief refresher on how to use tags and a few links to the LJ FAQ's that you might find useful.
Step one: Post your entry.
Step two: LJ will take you to a screen that has this information on it,
like this. See the bottom link that reads 'Edit Tags on Entry'? Click that.
Step three: You've clicked the link, so you should see something
resembling this. See that box with all those subjects labeled 'User's Tags'? Scroll down the list until you see your fandom and character, click it. It will then magically appear in the box labeled 'Current Tags.' Click 'Save Changes' and hurrah! You're done!
From the FAQ's.
LJ Cuts: From the tags on this community:
Admin posts: tables: