Title / Prompt: Pinch
Character: Teal'c
Warnings: None
Pairings: None
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
Word count: 569
Rating: G
Author's note: Sometime during 1st season.
A pinch of sugar.
Teal'c stopped reading the list of ingredients and stared at the words. Three pairs of eyes swung in his direction. Expectation poured from them as his teammates clung to eggs and meat and bread awaiting his next direction. He did not understand why they felt they had to recreate the meatloaf. Was this not better done by those who performed the cooking chores? These words did not make any sense. He had already had to have several of these words translated. Why did the directions say "tsp" instead of "teaspoon"? Were these recipes only meant to be read by those who possessed the secret codes?
"Teal'c?" O'Neill said warily.
"I do not understand these words, O'Neill. What is 'pinch'?"
A crafty smile appeared. "This is a pinch." He grabbed flesh on Daniel Jackson's arm between his thumb and forefinger and pressed it hard. The younger man yelped and rubbed the offended area.
"I am to perform such a function upon the sugar?"
"What was that for?!" Daniel Jackson yelled, ignoring Teal'c's inquiry. He turned quickly and repeated O'Neill's offense on the colonel's arm. Captain Carter smacked both their hands with a wooden spoon as O'Neill attempted to defend himself against Daniel Jackson's transgression. Hands and spoon battled for dominance, leaving two eggs and some meat as casualties until O'Neill bellowed for a stop. Teal'c walked over to the counter, found the canister marked "sugar" and reached in. He pinched it, but it ran from between his fingers.
"I have performed the pinch to the sugar. However, I do not see how it will aid us in the construction of our meal."
The men stared at him blankly as Captain Carter snorted. "No, no, Teal'c," she said patiently. "You're supposed to get a 'pinch' of sugar. That means you get a little of it between your fingers and put it in the bowl."
This was confusing. "My fingers and yours are not the same size, Captain Carter. Were I to pinch the sugar in such a manner, I would have far more than you."
"Well, some of the directions aren't always exact," she explained.
"Should not exact instructions be given? How can one recreate a meal if the instructions are not exact?"
"Meatloaf's like that," O'Neill drawled. "It's never the same."
"I have not noted this to be true of the meatloaf served in the SGC, O'Neill. It always tastes the same."
"Yeah, well, institutional food isn't meant to be anything other than bland."
"I find it satisfactory, O'Neill, and they serve it in sufficient quantity for it to satiate my hunger."
O'Neill waved a negligent hand in the air. "Nothing's better than homemade."
"Actually, something like a 'pinch' really means to add as much flavor as the cook likes to a recipe. Some people might like more sugar than others." A small frown creased his forehead. "Sugar? Why is there sugar in the meatloaf, Sam?"
She looked around my arm at the book of recipes. "That's what it says, Daniel. 'A pinch of sugar'. That sounds kind of gross to me. Who wants sugar in their meatloaf?"
O'Neill looked over from the other side. "Let's forget the sugar. I think we all agree that it's wrong. Ok, Teal'c, give us the next one."
"A pinch of pepper."
Then the argument truly began. As his teammates bickered about how much pepper they wanted in their meatloaf, Teal'c called the Emerald Pagoda.