The Fox Legacy 2.4 plus Heir Poll

Mar 14, 2011 00:17

When we last left off Zelda had come around to visit her beloved family, and that's where we're picking up today.
Zelda: You really have improved a lot, dear. You must make Vega very proud.

Vela: Thanks, Grandma. But the thing is, ever since that thief broke in and got away with it, I can't let it go. I love music but I've been thinking lately that I might join the police force instead. What do you think I should do?

Zelda: I think you should do whatever feels right, sweetheart.
Vela: Thanks. That's... awfully vague of you.

Zelda: Well, I'm very tired. I think it's time for me to go. See you soon, my love.
Vela: That sounded a little ominous.

So Zelda curled up for a nap on her side of Vega's bed and then vanished in a puff of green mist.

Helene was envious of everyone else's passion and was trying to figure out what she wanted to do with her own life. She tried out painting but I don't think it was very satisfying.
Helene: This is awfully cutesy for something painted by me.

Meanwhile, Andromeda invited Dejaun(scorpiosims) over to the house for the first time.
Dejaun: Holy crap, that's a big tv.

Noble doesn't care much for the budding romance of young teens. She sits herself right down on the couch with them, much to their horror.
Andromeda: Uhm, Mom. Don't you have something to do in the other room?

Noble: Why, so you brats can make out on my good sofa? I think not. Now quiet, Judge Judy is on.
Andromeda: Haaa, ha ha ha. Mom is such a kidder.

Andromeda: Too bad Dad is at work today or I would have introduced you. You might have seen him around, though. He's the one usually out in the yard with no shirt on.
Dejaun: Oh, him. Yeah, we've seen him.

Vega: Good morning, kids.
Andromeda: Good morning, grandpa!
Dejaun: Whoa whoa whoa, wait a minute. You're VEGA FOX's granddaughter? And you never mentioned this why?

Andromeda: Ohhh yeah. I guess it just slipped my mind.
Dejaun: Girl, you are so strange.

I would comment that it must have taken a lot of nerve for Andromeda to finally put her arm around Dejaun with all her family around but..

Look at her. I don't think this girl is afraid of anything.

Case in point, she got her first kiss from him before the boy had any clue what was happening.

Andromeda: Look, I may just be manic from sleep deprivation, but I'm thinking we should make "us" official. What do you say?

Dejaun: Well, how could I turn down an offer like that?

Across town, Amalthea and Toby were having their very first proper date.

Amalthea: Can I tell you a secret? I'm always kind of nervous leaving the house without Helene. Is that dumb?
Toby: Aw, no, it's cute.

Toby: Don't worry. I may not be your big, strong twin but I won't let anything bad happen to you.
Amalthea: Oh my god, he's touching me!

Toby: You're so cute when you're shy.
Amalthea: Me? I'm cute?

Amalthea: Can I ask you something, Toby? Why do you like me? I'm not exactly the most interesting person in the world. I'm kind of awkward, and not super pretty like --

Toby: Amalthea, stop. *hug*

Toby: You're one of my very favorite people in the world. I won't let anyone talk badly about you, Amalthea, not even you. Do you understand?

They continued their date very classicly after that, with a picnic and everything.

Amalthea even taught him how to play chess.

Toby: So, this one can move diagonally, right? So he can go... here?

Amalthea: You shouldn't have done that, see! You left your queen wide open. Now I've taken her and she shall be beheaded in front of her beloved kingdom.
Toby: I never knew this game was so harsh.

Toby: Ah well, I can see when I've lost. Good game, Amalthea.

I love a man who can lose gracefully.

Unfortunately, they were having so much fun that Amalthea forgot to keep up with the time and ended up staying out after curfew!
Amalthea: Can you just take me straight to prison please? If you take me home my mother will kill me.

Noble: Have you lost your mind, Amalthea? Do you even KNOW what time it is? Or how badly you've stressed out your father? We've been up half the night, and you can't even spare two minutes of your time to call us?! I would expect this from Vela, or Andromeda, but not you.

Amalthea: Mom, calm down, please! I swear I didn't even notice it had gotten dark. I was--
Noble: Only thinking of yourself? Out with a boy doing god knows what?

Amalthea: I'm sorry, really. Please, I'm tired and I just want to go to bed. This will never happen again, trust me.

Amalthea: HELEEEENE! *SOB*
Helene: Oh, you crybaby. It's not a big deal. We're teenagers. We do this kind of thing.

Helene: So how did it go with Toby? Is my juvenile delinquent twin going to end up on Teen Mom or what?
Amalthea: How did you know? Have you been spying on me?

No one can cheer up Amalthea faster than Helene. That was literally record-breaking speeed. xD

Vela: What a beautiful new day. I think I'll serenade the rising sun! I never noticed what great acoustics this room has.
Apollo: These children are going to be the death of me.

Out of curiosity I peeked inside the school bus to see who sits where. Why am I not suprised?

After school, Amalthea was taking no chances leaving the house without her twin. Toby was a good sport about it.

A very good sport. He didn't even mind when they started doing their twin-thing and ignored everyone else in the world.

Time for the firstborn of the girls to become a young-adult!

Andromeda: Okay happy birthday or whatever, I have things to do.

Under the flimsy guise of "night jogging," Andromeda has been indulging a bad habit.

What bad habit, you might ask? Let's just say this isn't a sight you'd want to see outside your house at night.

A floodlight? Really?

Andromeda: And this cool lawn chair! They probably won't miss it.

That's when the camera pulled me over to where Vega was outside the grocery store entertaining his usual group of fans, Luna and Venus included.

Vega: I feel kinda funny.
Luna: Dad? Is everything okay?


Vega: *levitates*
Fan: What's going on! Is Vega a street magician now, too?

*weeps along with his fans*

Vega: PLEASE don't take me yet! My family needs me! My FANS need me!

But Death is not reasonable. Vega's rather impressive grave was left right there at the grocery store. I thought about leaving it there like some kind of town monument. XD

But he does belong with Zelda, after all.


Vela: My hero is gone... *weep*

Amalthea: I can't believe Grandpa is d-dead.
Helene: I miss him, too, Ama.
Apollo: DO YOU? DO YOU???!!

I think grief is making him crack a little. I'm not used to seeing Apollo so sad. :(

Everyone found different ways to deal with their feelings. Amalthea mailed back those stolen things to relieve some guilt.

Apollo took up shirtless fishing. It's very soothing. Doesn't this picture look a bit like a postcard to you? Hang on a minute...

There we go.

Noble decided to relieve stress by kicking over trash cans, like any good member of the armed services. xD She even did it in uniform.

And where did she start? At her old house, of course.

Despite the problems at home, Apollo got promoted all the way to Superstar athlete and achieved his LTW. He looks very fashionable in his purple suit and glasses.

So remembering how much this family used to love eating outside, I built them a big back porch with a little table. I think they like it because they were swarming all over it in seconds.

I thought honoring Vega's grave with his guitar was a great idea but SOMEON won't leave it alone for five minutes.

And when Vela isn't messing with the grave these two nudists are. This family has no respect!

Andromeda was still planning on being a master thief one day, so she went to Noble for a little athletic training. She has both her parents spindly genetics to overcome.
Andromeda: I definitely just heard something crack.

The twins birthday arrived at last. :D

It was a strange mix of celebration and sorrow.

Here's a quick shot of the twins looking twinlike again and Noble looking hilarious.

And a picture of Amalthea without her glasses so you can see her pretty face. She reminds me of Ariel from The Little Mermaid.

Hi Vega! That didn't take very long.

Vega: I've only been dead for a day and you already got a new fireplace?
Believe it or not it's been there the whole time. It's only one of the many nice things you people have that you ignore.

More video games? Zelda must have been telling the truth. How can heaven be heaven if there are no video games?

Vega: When did we get a coffeemaker?
Don't make me repeat myself.

At least he likes the new porch. :)

The twins might be adults now, but they don't really act like it. Fine by me, it's cuter this way.

Amalthea wrote another book, and it was a hit. I peeked over her shoulder to see what it was like and saw this. Obviously a masterpiece!

Amalthea was really putting her lucky trait to the test, so she decided to invite Toby over.
Toby: What was it you wanted to show me?

Amalthea: The brave new me! *smooch*

Toby: You have no idea how long I've been waiting for that.

Amalthea: And that's not all! Toby, be my husband? I'd never have gotten my confidence without you.

Nor without Helene, who is always nearby, of course.

Vela hadn't seen Salvatore in quite a while so she paid him a visit. I don't think Salvatore's father approves of her.

Not that they care.

I'll just say that Salvatore is one lucky fellow.

Amalthea: Guess what, Andy? I'm engaged!

Andromeda: To this guy? Eh, he's alright.
Amalthea: Don't mind her, Toby. She's a lot like our mother.

I got a message saying Apollo needed to go to work, so I look for him and find him here.

What is he doing? I don't know. But it looks very mysterious and dramatic.

Eh, Helene? I don't think this is a time where Amalthea needs her twin around.

Definitely not. My doesn't Toby look predatory?

Apollo fished up a gnome. This is Bilbo.

Remember this guy from when Helene was a teenager? Yeah, me neither, but they seem to be getting along very well these days.

Vela: Andy, can you keep a secret? I haven't told anyone else in the house yet, but, I'm pregnant!
Andromeda: Well I don't know what you want me to do about it.

Vela: Don't be silly. I just wanted to share it with someone.
Andromeda: This is kind of weird. Is it Salvatore's?
Vela: Yeah.

Andromeda: Why did you tell me first of all people?
Vela: Well, Helene and Amalthea have always had their thing. I figured we could at least share this.

Sadly, it was Noble's time to become an old lady. Vega was kind enough to attend her party.

She makes one classy looking rich old lady!

Watcha doin there, Bilbo? Dancing with the apple tree? Cool.

Andromeda's birthday came around, too. I guess it was underwear-themed!

So with all the kids having hit adulthood, I guess you know what that means!


Here are the girls alongside their current mates, to help you decide.

Poll Gen 3 Heir Poll

Thanks for reading, and thanks for voting!
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