The Fox Legacy 1.1

Feb 04, 2011 07:10

Previously on the Fox Legacy, we met founder Vega Fox, and he met his lovely wife, Zelda. They had just had their very first baby and their very first robbery. Let's see how things are going now.

Zelda is an excellent mother because I force her to be one, but we won't fault her for that, will we?


Zelda was unpregnant all of three second before she and Vega got up to it again. They are still newlyweds, after all.

One on the hip, and one on the way. Not bad for having been married for about a week.

Vega is at work most of the time, but he tries to find time to be an attentive daddy when he can.

He's there when it counts! Venus's birthday came along pretty fast.


Vega: Don't look at me like that. My arms got tired.

Awww! Once I get rid of the styrofoam hair, she's gonna be adorable!

Naturally, the first child get spoiled with all those frivolous things like learning to walk and talk.

Zelda: M-Mommy loves you *sniff* so m-muuuch. *squeeeeeze*

Your pregnancy hormones are crushing the baby!!

Vega: Eat up, Venus. Daddy works hard to put food on the table. Er, beige-ish gruel, that is.

Poor Vega has to practice guitar outside now so he doesn't wake up the baby. It's probably actually a nice break from being inside with the screaming child
and the hormonal pregnant wife.

Zelda: Oh god. That was a contraction. I think its time!
Vega: But... But... We already have one baby that screams.

Vega: And I don't wanna go to the hospital. I'm huuuuuuungry!!
Zelda: CAB. NOW.

Vega: I guess it's not all bad! Maybe it'll be a boy this time! Yeah! Though I have a strange feeling we forgot something.

Venus: I'm so alone.

Strange man: *waltzes on in*

Venus: It'll do your future good to put me down.

Meanwhile, Vega got his wish. It's a boy! His name is Apollo.

For a terrible moment I thought that was Vega following her out of the hospital. I was like WHAT DID THIS BABY DO TO YOU!

Vega has the most unsettling feeling that he's just seen into his future.

Back at home, the strange man makes a quick getaway without either parent seeming to notice or care.

After stuffing himself, Vega found himself once again drawn to his lovely wife.

That's one way to teach your kids about the birds and the bees, I suppose.
Venus: Foot is food?

I'm not sure Vega should be the one teaching Venus to speak. He is not even calling her by the correct planet.

Oh so we're puking outside now? The neighbors will be thrilled.

Vega is one potent man.

Soon it was Apollo's turn for a birthday.

He's freakin adorable! He has Vega's hair color and eye color.

Not long after that it was time for Venus to grow up a bit also.

She definitely has her mother's round-facedness.

Are you... cleaning the toilets? Without being told to?


Apollo: *deep breath*


Let me take a moment to show you this house. I'm starting to just cram cradles wherever they will fit. If they don't move soon I'll lose my mind.

You can't tell from looking but Vega has put on his serious face and gotten promoted all the way to Lyricist. More babies means more responsibility!

Venus: You call that music? I'm going to hide that thing while you're sleeping.

Excuuuse me? Aren't you supposed to be at school, young lady? Why on earth did you skip to go to the park of all places? You hate the outdoors!

I finally let Zelda play in the dirt a little since she's a green thumb.

I also started her out on painting since I need heir portraits, but then she went into labor.

I guess labor isn't a big deal anymore because she just went by herself. She had another baby girl, named Luna.

Venus: Are you sure you should be bringing more babies home? We only have two chairs.
Vega: There are some people in this world who have no chairs at all. You should be happy.


Apollo just happens to be the world's most difficult child. He screams. ALL THE TIME. For no reason! I think its his hobby.

Apollo: *deep breath*

Vega: I'm in my happy place.

Zelda: Excuuuse meeee, can I trade him for a more pleasant child, please?

These are two frazzled parents. So many children in a 2 room house was not their best idea.

Though Vega recovers quick when cake is involved.

Finally, one of them gets blonde hair. Luna also has her dad's eyes, so she's a nice blend of the two of them so far.

And right afterwards, Apollo had a birthday as well.

Still adorable, I'm afraid.

Apollo: UGHHHH this house is too crowded. Why did you have to go and have another stupid kid?!

Luna: He's just jealous cuz I'm the cutest so far.

Apollo: I gotta take my rage out on someone.
Venus: I just got a bad feeling.

Apollo: This is all YOUR fault! If you were a more pleasant child, Mom and Dad wouldn't have had more kids!
Venus: If I was more pleasant?!

At least he succeeded in spreading his bad mood around, althought I think Venus is the wrong girl to mess with.


With both kids finally at school and Luna asleep, there's a rare moment of peace for Mr. and Mrs. Fox.

After a bit of rest I packed them up and shipped them off to a fancy 2 bedroom house.

Venus: Wow, way to go Dad! It's like an actual house in here and not a storage closet!

Apollo: Ehhh, it's alright, I guess.

Venus could not become a teenager fast enough as far as I was concerned.

No sooner had she developed the "dislikes children" trait did she sprint over and pick up the first child she saw. I do not understand her.

Apollo: Yeah yeah, happy birthday. What's a guy gotta do to get some waffles around here?

Apollo always eats outside, for whatever reason.

Venus: Get out of my sight you little brat! Children are so obnoxious!

Venus: Awwww, I loves my baby sisterrrr!

The crazy, she has it.

Zelda and Vega must have seen the latest episode of Parenting TV because they suddenly got super interested in striking up conversations with their children.

In Zelda's case, she just picked the wrong child.
Apollo: Do you realize how much profit we would make if you just sold Venus to the circus? Do you know how much people pay to see bearded ladies?!
Zelda: Can't you just try and get along with your sister for once?

Apollo: You make me sick.

One last birthday to get out of the way.

Venus: I'm so sick of birthdays. *tooooot*

I hear ya, girl.

And finally there's no more screaming children! No one is happier than I.

Thanks for reading!


the fox legacy

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