May 26, 2008 12:04
Oh wow, my husband and I just returned from a two week trip to Germany and a few surrouning countrues (we went to London as well but that wasn't nearly as impressive) and suprisingly all I have to say is that it is one of the most gorgeos countries I have ever seen. It might be because I have lived in the South Dakota Nebraska panhandle reegion for so long that I forgot what green things looked like.
Green everywhere trees, fields and then all of a sudden there are these BRIGHT patches of Yellow! The people in Germany grow these fields of bright yelow flowers for the bee populations and honey distribution. Its almost blinding. There are these cute little villages and windmills and you dont see hardly any powerlines or trash. Everything is sooooo clean.
Bad news, the aiport scan demagnatised the viewing creen of our brand new camera-I don't know if it is still underwarrenty, we had it since december.
Good news, we took lots of pictures with a bunch of disposables. :-)
Bad news, we have no idea if they have survided the scans either, the security to get bakc into country refused to let us walk through the metal detctor with them, they had to be scanned as well?!
So in unknown news-we have no idea if there are pictures or not.