One of my Egyptian Boat Models Damaged

Feb 06, 2011 20:54

My favorite Egyptian Watercraft Model - and really, I mean my favorite and I've seen them all - was damaged by paid ruling-party thugs in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo last week. It can be fixed, but the cabin it carries - that is now smashed to bits - is one-of-a-kind. Plus, this model has a heft and sturdiness to it that is hard to recognize unless you've seen it in person. I documented it in Cairo in 1998 - it will now be on the cover of my book being published later this year. I was going to use a great model in Philadelphia, but this one deserves it. I'll be including a before and after look with 2 photos from Al Jazeera, plus in one of my Appendices, I cover one of Tut's artifacts that has a boat element, that was also smashed by the thugs. I burst into tears when I saw the model on Al Jazeera.

The before and after is here:
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