I deal in human fulfillment.

Oct 20, 2006 20:00

Who knew Risky Business had a soundtrack that I liked. I certaintly didn't.

Almost halfway through first draft of Argument Research paper. Brain is slightly numb.

Back from a deviant art break. I want to talk to someone. Not in an interview type way, I've had too many of those lately, but in a personal way.

How was your childhood. Wonderful. I love my parents. They've always given me support and we rarely fights between my mother and father. He was an alchoholic and I live with my Grandmother was one of the first black women to desegregate schools. She has always been a major influence besides your parents?

Pat Pat pat Pat answer and Honestly do you mind if I'm honest I'll tell the truth here. I'm We Us are having some trouble. A little nervous but really I just want to connect. Make friends of course.

Lie Lie so tempting to lie to tell her that I have massive experience with children. Tell her you have 12 cousins. Close enough. Approximation. I love my cousings with approximately 34% of total capacity. I've never been a great talker, mostly listener patient. My dad's a doctor/alchoholic/race leader and really truly I'm a little uncomfortable.

Fake Smile 1 2 3 now. I love it when they're curious and quiet and don't bother me too much and are willing to break the ice so I don't have to do the work Oh god I have so much work. Pour myself into a goal with no goalie and I fill the net with all the stress and none of this is showing. I love it when they're curious. Fake Smile.

Sincerity pours from my pores and i should have used deoderant but I'm too lazy on the couch thinking of ideas for photographs and stressing instead of just doing something to solve it. Maybe I should mention art in the interview maybe they'll match me with a kid that likes art maybe I should lie maybe.

-And there is my freethought for the day.
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