Jan 25, 2008 15:03
Do we really mean what we say when we're angry? Or are we just trying to hurt the other person more than they hurt us, so we'll say anything to land that blow.
I don't get angry often, but when I do, I blow like a volcano. I've been replaying over and over in my head the things I have said to other people out of anger. Some truly awful stuff. Did I mean it? Usually not, at the least not in full. But I woud be lying if I said some of those things didn't have at least a bit of truth deep in my mind.
So do people really mean what they say to me when they'e angry? I have several people in my life who I argue with on a regular basis. For example my dad. We, on a fairly regular basis, scream at each other, and we've said some terrible things to each other. Do we totally mean everything we say? I know we mean some of it. But I must ask now, how long do you let these people in your life? How many times do I accept apologies (or give them) that won't really heal the wounds created by these words. And do these words carry enough weight to give reason to abandon the relationships that bore them?
Are you just supposed to wipe these people out of your life? Is it worth the pain they cause you? Or is just the nature of relationships, something we abhor but cannot help?
Fuck, I need a hobby. I've been thinking too much.