It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.

Dec 06, 2007 21:26

Yesterday Ezra took his first steps. My baby boy.
The thing about being a parent is that it is so hard on your heart. It ain't to easy on the rest of my body either, LOL.
My heart breaks a hundred times a day. You can't understand how hard it is to watch your baby fall and hurt himself. You know you have to do it, you have to let them fall over and over again, and you do it so they can learn.
You have to teach them how to be a person. As Kyle put it, I'm programming a human being. It means you have to take away a lot of things they want to play with--like scissors and rats--and that makes them sad and angry and all you want to do is fill them with joy and love and it hurts but you do it because you have to.
We finally moved Ezra to his crib. It involved a lot of crying, and it killed me, literally caused me physical pain to let him cry in there.
But I had to. I'm a parent. It's what I have to do.
It shatters your heart into a million pieces.
And then you do it again the next day.

I don't know where I'm going with this...I guess I'm just finally starting to feel like a parent.
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