May 08, 2005 18:28
Why the fuck do we have Mother's Day? Or Father's Day, while were on the subject? The idea, as ingenious as it is from a capitalistic perspective, is realistically the dumbest hoiday's on Earth. I know what you're thinking, you think that I'm such an inconsiderate bastard for not taking one day out of my pathetic life to honor each of my parents, to give them a special day. You know what, I think that all of you who believe that are inconsiderate arrogant bastards. Why? Because the idea that on one day a year you elevate your relashionship with a parent is just ludicrious. EVERYDAY SHOULD BE MOTHER'S DAY AND FATHER'S DAY! Since when did treating your parents to something nice or being extra kind to them become a planned event? They both got together, created your sorry ass, raised you, and supported you in every way possible all to get a stupid card, a trinket, and breakfast in bed one day a year? This is unbelievable! And do you know why people bought into this bullshit? Guilt. Hallmark, Sees, Debeers, and all those other companies found a brilliant way to sell to you by making you feel guilty about neglecting your parents.
Here's an interesting thought; perhaps your parents truly don't give a shit about you getting them a card or a gift. Maybe all they want is for you to give back some of the unconditional love that they gave and constantly give you, and maybe they just want you to listen to their advice, listen to everything they have to say, and not to shrug them off as old farts.
I'm not saying that you don't have to treat your parents to something nice once a year, I'm merely suggesting that instead of following stupid societal dictates, that you treat your parents the way they deserve to be treated, with honor and respect. And not only one day a year, but every fucking day. That's the least they deserve.