Title: Fevered
Summary: Hutch goes back to the disco for something, and finds something else.
Episode related: It's a sort of tag to Season Four's "Discomania"
Rating: Adult
Word count: About 3,400
Warning: Hutch/not!Starsky, although really, the pairing is S/H of course.
Marty opened the door four inches.
Hutch, already starting forward,
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It's a real head trip, well done. So sad....Hutch suffers so beautifully, whether it's emotionally or physically.
Thanks! I think Marty's suffering as much as Hutch (so I think Adrian Zmed's cute, so sue me!), but yeah, they're both in dire need of a cuddle. Don't know where Marty's gonna get his, but we know where Hutch's gonna get his cuddle. :)
I have written some quite hard hitting drama in other fandoms, believe it or not. I've actually hurted and comforted with gunshot wounds and crying in showers and sad angsty make up sex and written PTSD and all that shit.
It just hasn't hit me in this one yet.
Damn muses, always wanting to flirt, joke and use me for cheap thrills. *G*
Oh. Then you don't at all have my handicap of ordinarily doing fairly light things. :) I've only written in three fandoms, and I tend toward the lower-angst end of the spectrum. Not fluff, though (she said sternly)! But I know what you're saying about the tone being different in different fandoms -- that's part of the fun of it.
I'm no Molo. I'd give my left nut to write a good tooth grinding angst fest like she can dish out.
Funny, I've run into writers who ask me how to write humor, and they're scared to death to try it. To each his own, I guess. *shrugs*
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