Happy 4/20 to all the smokers.

Apr 20, 2004 19:02

Well, i guess this entry is going to be all about spring break, the parts i remember. I had to work 4 our of the 10 days so that was kind of shitty, but i only work till 6:30 so it really isnt that bad. Anyway, im having a really hard time remember anything like..that happened in the past few weeks because of what happened these last few days of spring break. i went shopping twice, got 5 shirts and a pair of shorts for about 220-230 or something..hahaha. i got 4 american eagle shirts, 2 polo style ones and 2 button down ones, i got a polo shirt too that was fucking 62 dollars, and a pair of tommy shorts. i went with ashley, ally king (riley represent.), and shea, to westland one day...and back to westland with my mom a week later..hahaha. yeah, about every day after work i ended up just sitting at home, since nothing was ever going on. but last friday when i got home i was ready to get fucked up, so i was pretty much going to be beligerant, and it turns out that i ended up even worse. after work i went to saras and my 5th of cheap gross mohawk vodka was waiting for me in scotts car, i grabbed it, walked in, sat down, and began to drink the second i sat down. about 10-15 minutes later my 5th was 2/3's gone, and i had no idea what the fuck i was doing..i stumbled outside throwing up, grabbed for the fence, missed, hit my head on it, then fell and got knocked out when i hit the ground. i dont remember anything myself after doing that besides when i went back in to saras when i was ready to leave, i guess i knocked some shit over, and was dry heaving for like 10 minutes, i really couldnt help it. scott drove me home at 12 and i went straight upstairs and passed the fuck out, i woke up at 5 and called sara to apoligize for breaking stuff, but it turns out i didnt. i woke up with the worst fucking hangover of my entire life, i cant even explain how shitty i felt, so i just sat and watched a dog show with my mom for like 2 hours until i shook it off. i ended up finding out all the fucked up shit that happened, like i guess i was locked in a car and passed out in it for 2 hours, people had to hold me back from fighting my brother because he was being such a bitch or something, telling me i ruined his night i guess. all i know is that my head was bruised, as well as up and down my entire left side, i fell down face first onto the concrete, and on the grass, and even fell a few more times. i took a fucking beating, i cant believe i got knocked out, im glad someone came and got me or i woulda just died. the reason i got so fucked up is because i hadnt ate 5-6 hours before i drank, and i drank it in 15 minutes. funny things is when you get knocked out it feels like you get right back up!..but you really dont, and it turns out to have happened 2 hours ago. i have such a hard time remember anything that happened recently because of falling, i dont think i have a concussion or anything luckily. the funniest thing was me walking in with my fucking shirt inside our and buttoned wrong on me, george made me take it off, and then i hung it up all screwed up. maybe if i had smoked it would have leveled me off and i wouldnt have been so bad, but ive been trying to quit, and ive been pretty successful so far. thanks to anyone who helped me, cuz i dont know who did. but anyway, the next day i guess people went to brookes and nobody told me cuz i said i was at my friends, and i was..but you can still call me mother fuckers. oh well, turned out being a good weekend i think.
im really, really, really, not happy to be back in school. it made me so depressed the second i walked in. too bad its 5 or so solid weeks of this bullshit. fuck school im not even going to talk about it.
if you want to see something cool drive by my house, for about 2 weeks the 3 trees around my house bloom with bright pink flowers, ahahaha kind of fruity but it looks cool. i hope everyone had a nicely toasted 4/20, because i was stuck at work while you were all getting high. ahahahaha ive never seen so many high people at school before, funniest fucking thing ever. well i hope you all enjoyed reading about my fucked up weekend...comment with any of the weird shit i may have done that night at saras..cuz i have no idea what i did.

see ya

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