Dec 30, 2009 02:22
Well, it's been a while since I've posted. That's because I've started a new job: writing web ads on the second shift. I don't get off work until quarter to midnight. It's only my second week and I'm still adjusting. Talk about going topsy turvy! On the other hand I'm learning some wicked cool stuff about search engine optimization.
However, it's made fan fic writing a challenge. I should be working on Chapter 3 of Cornwall but Chapter 2 of Healer's Apprentice keeps bugging me. And unfortunately for me I don't write in a straight line. My brain just won't let me. I'll get the story in fragments. Or, my brain keeps pushing me to figure out the EMOTION of the story (once I've laid down the main points) before I can write the step-by-step detail. This means I write very slowly!
Add in the other fact that I'm helping my friends launch a web site by providing the editorial guidance and I've got a packed schedule.
Oh well, it's a high class problem to have -- especially in this recession!
It's good to be employed. I'd almost forgotten what that was like, lol.
By the by, is there anyone out there who's read either Well Done, My Good and Faithful Servant or The Healer's Apprentice and is interested in my character Ophelia Broomall? I feel the need to bounce my ideas for Ophelia off on someone else to make sure she doesn't turn into a Mary Sue (not that there's anything wrong with that: I just think I'd have to shoot myself with a twinkie if she did, 'sall I'm sayin'...)
The problem is I'm having the hardest time knitting her together in a way that starts the chapter well. Right now I have her stealing Severus' school medical records from Madame Pomfrey. But I don't quite know how to open that scene. Sometimes I think it would be more effective told from Pomfrey's perspective. But I REALLY want the chapter to start from Ophelia's perspective. I feel like I have to GROUND Ophelia's character in this chapter and it's just tough as hell since she's an OFC.
Okay enough talking to myself. Time to go trolling for fan fiction...
fan fic,
fan ficition,
harry potter