Delphismith found the following on a Goodreads (finally created MY Goodreads account - Yay!) discussion and her memories were great so I figured I'd give it a whirl.
From Delphismith: "Recently over on
GoodReads, someone started a discussion on "How Did You Become a Reader?" and kicked it off with the following three questions, to which I have added a fourth:
1) Do you remember being read to as a child?
2) Do you remember when you first realized you love to read?
3) Have you always liked to read, or is it something you developed later?
4) What are some "firsts" in your life as a reader?"
Let's see *rubs hands together*
1) Yep - Mom read to us every night when my older sister and I were small. Once we hit 3rd grade though, we were on our own. Which was fine by me because I'd turned into a little book junkie anyway. She would have just gotten in the way *snicker*
2) I don't think there was ever a moment when I realized I love to read. I don't even remember learning how to read. I have one memory of being in my high chair and one of being in my crib. After those, my full memories go back to age 3 and I was definitely reading by then. My Dad claims I've been reading since I was 2. Okay. I'll take it. But reading has been as natural to me as breathing. And yes I will get the shakes if I don't have a book stashed someone. (Gimme that page! *snatch*)
3) I think I answered this in the previous.
4) Some of my firsts? Hmm. I remember feeling like a total grownup the first time I read a book without pictures. I just don't remember what that book was. I also remember reading my first grown up biography. It was a Reader's Digest condensed version of Stefan Zweig's biograhy of Marie Antoinette. I won it in a drawing. I was 10. I struggled to read that bio and I think it took me years before I really got all of it. But I have to say that struggling to read it pushed me to expand my vocabulary, so I've always been fond of that bio for that reason.