Muse - Yukio Acerbi
Fandom origina, Psychopomp
Word Count 284
Prompt 06 31, explore
I knew my best ally in exploring the library of the Autumn Lands was Terrel. He probably knew the library better than any librarian. Terrel was a natural choice to help me go through the books to see if we could find the creature we had seen; the monster I had sketched in great detail.
It was definitely one of those needle in a haystack kind of things. We sent Connor to Earth to look for the thing there, something more active. He’d only be a pest as we go slowly through the archives. This required patience. Terrel had that in abundance. Me, not so much so but I’m better than Connor. I wasn’t really expecting anything to happen but it was worth a try.
The library was an amazing place really. It had some of those storyboard stained glass windows and rows of books, miles really. I swear the place rambled on for a mile or two. I was afraid if I lose sight of Terrel now I’d never find my way back out.
My ass was numb from all the sitting at the carrels by the time I heard Terrel’s muffled triumphant cry. I wended around the stacks until I found him. “What is it?” I asked.
He pointed to something that looked a lot like our creature. “A metamorph.”
“Huh?” We both read the description and my gut dropped to my ankles. I could see by the look in Terrel’s eyes he felt the same. “Oh damn, this is going to be bad.”
“We better talk to Abhy.”
“Fuck Abhy, we better call a council of Irin,” I said grimly. This could be the end of the world as we knew it.