Title: Bringing The Walls Down, 1/3
Fandom: Supernatural/Dr. Horrible
Pairing: Dean/Billy/Sam, Sam/Billy, Dean/Billy, Dean/Sam
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Incest
Word Count: 20,900
Disclaimer: In no way mine or anything to do with me. I own nothing.
Summary: They had names now, the men in the 1967 Chevy Impala were Sam and Dean Winchester, and they were
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Also, I wonder, whatever happened to the "invulnerable" Captain Hammer?
Edit: Sounds to me like Billy has a split personality. xD
I sort of left Captain Hammer open on purpose, in case I wanted to use him later.
But I do think Billy was perhaps right on the edge of having a split personality.
XD Awesome. I'd love to see a sequel with Captain Hammer. It'd be interesting to see what he'd been up to and how this wave of evil has changed him.
But I like when people read things into my stories I never intended, I'm not going to tell people they're wrong if a different way works for them, I find that fascinating!
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