Title: A Work In Progress
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: 2x12
Word Count: 6000
Disclaimer: In no way mine, or anything to do with me, I own nothing.
Summary: Because it's weird to date someone for a month and not kiss them, right?
AN: Part eight of the
Milkshakes and Matchsticks series
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This is my new favorite line, from any TW fic, ever.
I was all set to leave you super flaily comment about the perfection of their first kiss, and then you still had to go and break my heart with Stiles and his insecurities at the end. DAMN YOU TO HELL. *goes to wibble in corner*
I really have always been crazy and random.
Rocking chairs to the porch of the internet, at once!
~brings the canes to shake at the youngsters~
That really does feel like so long ago. You were there when I got into fandom and didn't have the slightest clue what I was doing ♥ then you told me GO TO LJ! AND I DID
We were new together, and it was magnificent, AND LET'S NEVER GET DIVORCED, DARLING.
WE WERE NEW TOGETHER! Ugh. I remember being afraid of everything *hugs you*
We weeeeeeeeeeeeere, and so was i! ~hugs~
Their relationship really is a complete mess of highs, and lows, and fantastic awkwardness. It's immense fun to write so I'm not really sorry, Well, maybe a little bit sorry ♥
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