Title: Don't Tell Me, I Know This One
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Derek/Stiles
Rating: PG
Spoilers: 2x08
Word Count: 3000
Disclaimer: In no way mine, or anything to do with me, I own nothing.
Summary: "Look, I know I got very drunk last night, and if at any point I threw up on you I would like to apologise, and possibly offer to buy you new shoes."
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Poor oblivous Stiles, and poor Derek too *hugs them* it's all so awkward and wonderful. I also love Scott and Stiles at the beginning, they are my favourite of BFFs xD
If there is more of this I will totally be on board with that ;)
I love Stiles when he's oblivious and Derek is just a facial expression in the background, and Scott and Stiles will always be THE BEST!
I've been failing at sequels all over the place, but this is exactly the sort of thing that could spawn a ridiculous series.
I wish I could say I felt bad about poking you and aiding the spawning of things into series. I'm not really though mwa ha ha ha! Your stories are awesome, I always want more. Always <3
I do that all the time, write 20 fics with angsty, unresolved endings, never go back to them. Write ridiculous humourous one-shot, add another ten parts! XD But that is very awesome of you to say, thank you ♥
I wish I did that! Instead I'm staring at an amnesia fic and wondering if it's really possible to do a sequel to that fic I let you read...
Humour is awesome though, I am all for more humour :D
I still have Scott/Isaac on my list, but they're tougher to write than I thought.
Humour is fun, even when I'm panicking that nothing I'm writing is funny, it's just entertaining as hell to write.
I have such a soft spot for Lydia/Peter, there isn't enough of them...
Scott/Isaac I like, but I wouldn't know where to begin with them either D:
Don't worry too much about not being funny, you definitely are! In a very natural way that's awesome and fits very well :D
It's true, I love Derek/Stiles, I do but it'd be nice to have more other stuff to read. So many possibilities. I've started getting my fix from Tumblrs gifsets because there's no fic!
Maybe everyone's having trouble, because there really isn't a lot of it out there and it's just begging to be ficced. Why so hard, Isaac?
Aw, thanks ♥
I love Derek/Stiles, very much, and while I don't particularly want to pair them up with anyone else, I am allured by Peter/Lydia and Isaac/Scott, there's just next to no fic! The tumbl gifsets will be my undoing. I now desperately want to write fic where Scott and Derek are brothers and Scott is so annoyed with him for being attracted to Stiles xD
Isaac looks cute and puppylike, but start writing him and all the angst and issues tumble out. He really needs a hug.
Yes, and though I'll read other pairings I am sort of aware that I'm cheating (which sounds weird but I've never noticed it this badly before.) Ugh, i know, all the damn AUs and sad things, and Stiles is a demon. I can't help myself.
I knowwww! I don't know why it feels like cheating but it does! I know, I just watched a video with Laura and Derek. Katie McGrath as Laura is just perfect and I am going to be so disappointed when she isn't Laura. They give me feels! Did you see the AU gifset where the alpha pack want Stiles because he's Derek's mate? it was good. Angsty but good. There are so many good giffers out there that I want to write them all! (but would feel I would never be as good)
Yes! I did see that gif, i think you posted it and I liked it. I want to see that happen. SOMEONE WRITE THAT FOR ME! I know what you mean though, some of the gifset ideas are so good I want fic, I want huge fics that just run with the idea ♥ Also pffft, you would be awesome, I love your fic, your characters always work for me, and I really like the way you write stuff happening!
I may be coerced into writing it, but what if someone else writes it too! But it's such a good idea... Aww thank you so much xD I do always want to write all the things!
I think everyone should write everything! No, seriously, I think it would be awesome if you wrote it. And not just because I'm horribly biased <3
We'll see, we'll see. First I need to finish this amnesia-y one, but I do so very much like the idea :D
Yes, Amnesia story first :D
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