Despite this week trying it's best to convince me it's still winter...and the snow putting rest to our reenacting plans this weekend. (guess that just means more ANZAC biscuits and scones for me and
cpt_antilles !)
There were some no coat, and no sweater days the week before... and yes I've been meaning to post these for over a week. (WonderCon got in the way, as well as planning and packing for the re-enactment that wasn't.)
Spring in Narnia... or the road from the train station to work.
This makes me want to begin an adventure! a bike ride is in order now that we've had several dry days in a row...and the wind isn't quite so bitter.
There was at least one day of sandal weather, but it's not quite time to retire the knee socks.
And since we had an unexpected weekend there was estate sale luck to be had!
more 78s for the collection...
Including such gems as
the Hut Sut Song...Freddy Martin's recording, and Kay Kyser (one of my favorites, Managua Nicaragua)...and many more.
The rest of the loot...a 1940 edition of the Red Cross First Aid text book, some blue mystery trim, a bakelite buckle, western snaps (3 matching packages!) a hand full of 1950's patterns, and a handkerchief...