I was bored and in a strange mood when this idea came to me. With the next regeneration around the corner it started me thinking of the inevitable day when the Doctor will be gone forever. That said, what would be approprite epitaphs for his tombstone?
Top 10 11 Epitaphs for the Doctor’s Tombstone
11. Apparently reversing the polarity of the neutron flow doesn’t always work.
10. When I say run, I mean RUN!
9. Jelly babies may be hazardous to your health.
8. I’m always alright.
7. If this is one of The Master’s ridiculously overcomplicated plots to take over the universe . . . I don’t get it.
6. Rose Tyler, I . . .
5. Hey! Who turned out the lights?
4. Nitro 9 destabilizes with age.
3. Never tell your dimensionally-transcendental, sentient spaceship that she’s looking a little bigger on the outside.
2. I knew I should have gotten rid of that tuxedo.
1. I’ll explain later.