
Feb 12, 2004 20:44

You see, life is ups and downs. I was under the false impression that life could plateau and shit would remain "OK." But I was wrong.

Because shit is GREAT!

I didn't think that it could happen. The most extreme mood cycle I've ever been through in two weeks. Start of first week: everything's great. Feelin' good, school isn't that bad, my friends haven't changed their appearances through plastic surgery to avoid my recognizing them. Then, the history paper came along. The wheel of fortune lands on "bankrupt." And darkness encases everything that I previously thought was so clear. I trip over my own feet in a pitch black hole. Pretty big downer.

Then, the history paper is rewritten, the math test is taken, and circuit 15 is finally constructed. Now I am waiting; waiting for results, waiting for an answer, waiting for a cab to drive me to the brothel.

Scratch that last one.

But then, the falling sky decided that it was better off in So I got an A- on my math test and good midterm grades! Also, I rode a real bike at the gym today instead of a stationary, and I liked it. It was probably the first time I did one activity for an hour straight since the PSAT's. Wow.

Ok, that's enough, I think I might just do my homework tonight. Cheers.

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