Mrs Queen takes the train by Willian Kuhn

Dec 22, 2012 20:16

What a great book. I enjoyed the hell out of this one. The first third or so of the book is setting up why the Queen of England would ever go AWOL and leave the palace alone and take a train trip to Scotland. (And how she would fare and how it might be if no one recognized her etc.) It also sets up the characters of the people who try to find her and their relationships with each other.

The book I tried to read before this one was The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling. It was an adult book for adults. Lots of ugly sex, I think, to prove that she can write for adults. It was not plot driven, though I can see why some people might think it was. The book really only needed to mention a few things, not go into ugly detail again and again for the reader to understand. When I thought about this book without the sex, it was a great book about adult relationships.

Well, Mrs Queen Takes the Train is a book about relationships (I bet you had no idea where I was going with mentioning The Casual Vacancy). There's ugly sex but it's treated so differently that it works and what little descriptive sex we do get is definitely plot driven.

I worried about the author would end the book. But he did a fantastic job and made sure no one stepped outside of the bounds of their previous characterization. The ending was so touching I leaked tears for 20 minutes while reading. It was great and fit the book very well.

This is a book I'll be recommending a lot to people.
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