Apr 01, 2009 15:38
To the person who spit their gum onto my car:
I've had that "Had enough? Vote democrat" window sticker for almost three years and you are the first person to try to deface my car because you don't agree with it. I think it was the most immature thing I dealt with today--and I have six year olds.
But I can understand that you might be mad, I mean here you are at the doctors office, and maybe you don't have health insurance, maybe your job is in trouble, or maybe you are just having a bad day. Well guess what--Spitting gum on my car doesn't change any of those things--Voting might. In fact if I had my way, our Congressional rep would have voted for SCRIP and maybe your kid would have some insurance. I'm not sure about your job or the bad day part, but maybe we could have done that one thing for you.
PS Thanks for teaching my kids a good lesson about litter, gum manners and disagreeing with other people's opinions in a mature way--It was a good teachable moment.
p.p.s I think I know who you are and I want you to know that these things have a way of coming back and biting you on the ass--hope you also did a super good deed today.