Wow. I have never heard anything like this before. Can you check the browser history to see what site they're visiting? Are you sure it's not the same (unstable) woman? Good luck with this and please let us know what you discover.
Definitely different women. One was in her fifties with greying hair, one was in her forties/fifties with red hair, and this one tonight is in her twenties. I'm bad with faces for sure but I know these are different women.
They're either listening to prayer groups online (I helped one of them get to the online player) or religious music (Youtube), I've peeked at their screens.
Hmm. Are you in a public library? Are you in an area with a particularly devout or unusual religious community? I'm wondering why they would go there for their religious fix. Are they disturbing other patrons? If they're noisy, maybe that's an excuse you can use. I'll be interested in what your boss says ( if there's a history of this and/or how they choose to handle it).
Public library, not especially devout or religious but I work at the "downtown" branch, so we get a LOT of transients and down-on-their-luck people.
She wasn't noisy enough to get in trouble on a normal day, it was just quiet in the lab so I could hear her, and she was making whimpering and crying noises to herself. It's not crowded and the nighttime population tends to be heavily towards the transients and generally odd people.
No history yet, because in my two or so years working in the lab this has happened about three times on my shifts. We're being more proactive with our policies now because of the problems we've had.
They're either listening to prayer groups online (I helped one of them get to the online player) or religious music (Youtube), I've peeked at their screens.
She wasn't noisy enough to get in trouble on a normal day, it was just quiet in the lab so I could hear her, and she was making whimpering and crying noises to herself. It's not crowded and the nighttime population tends to be heavily towards the transients and generally odd people.
No history yet, because in my two or so years working in the lab this has happened about three times on my shifts. We're being more proactive with our policies now because of the problems we've had.
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