Feb 12, 2013 00:39
Hey again,
So I've been offered a job that I was once really excited about because I didn't think any other libraries wanted to hire me. But after I was asked to interview with other libraries, this job that has offered me a position became number 3 on a list of 4.
I told them that I wanted the job but asked if I could have until the end of the week to make a decision for sure. They agreed.
I called my number 1 and left a voicemail (with HR since HR is the only department I actually spoke with) and told them the situation. "I've been offered another position but I'd really like to work for your library and I have until the end of the week to get back with the library that offered me employment."
Now the thing is that I don't know if the library I want to work at will be willing to speed up their whole hiring process just because of me/ if they're even still interested in me. I'm hoping to hear back from them soon about their thoughts on everything. I really want to work for them.
My mom and dad said that the library that offered me the position can always rescind the offer and that I should just say "100% yes" to them and then if the library I want to work at says they'd like to hire me, I can always call the library that offered me a job and be like, "Whoops, nevermind, just kidding." I guess they're right, but I'd feel really bad about doing that, so I probably won't give them a definite yes until I know for 100% sure that I want to work for them.
Anyway, I'm glad I got an offer. Here are my questions: Does anyone have any suggestions on what I should do about this? Is there anything I can do besides wait? Is the library that I want to work at more likely to ignore me now that they know I have another job offer?
Thanks for your help.