Dec 12, 2012 12:05
Hello ladies!
I just graduated with my MLIS, and am wondering how best to make use of my time while I'm looking for a library job. I'm most interested in archiving, but also love the reference desk. I'm hoping to work in a public library, but I'm keeping my options open.
I have a full-time job right now, and will keep it until I find something new. I've also been doing volunteer work with different libraries in my area. I'm wondering if you think it would be wise for me to do work I'm not really interested in (assisting in the computer lab) at the library where I want to work, or better for me to do work I'm interested in (archive projects) at a library where I don't necessarily want to work because it is far from my house.
Simply put: better to meet the people I want to work with or get the experience for what I want to do?
Thanks for your advice.