Feb 06, 2007 14:14
I'm tired and bored as hell at work right now, so I'm going to babble into my LJ for a while.
My first bit of babbling shall be to reiterate the invitation to all and sundry to stop by my apartment this sunday for tea and crafts. So far, I've got a handful of "maybe" RSVP's on the evite, and only 3 "yes" responses. I need more costumey friends! If there's any chance you'll be in the general vicinity of Clairemont this weekend, drop me a line at cmegowanUCLA (at) gmail.com and I'll e-mail you directions and whatnot. I make a mean batch of scones too, for those of you that haven't experienced that particular wonder yet. :)
My second bit of babbling shall be... hrrmmm... i don't know... craft-related, I guess. Knowing me, I'll probably get started on my next bit of sewing this weekend. If I'm feeling responsible, I'll make a muslin to test the pants pattern I attempted to draft based on my work pants. If I'm feeling poor but costumey, I'll get started on my grey/red plaid traveling dress for next year's dickens fest. If I'm feeling *really* poor, I'll start doodling ideas for the various things I'm going to be making for Jo, Caprice, and Mel in the coming months. If I'm feeling frivolous, I'll make a muslin for some regency undies, or make a pattern for a pair of gloves.
My third bit of babbling shall be about libraries... or at least, looking for jobs in libraries. After a long talk with Steve, I've decided to just go ahead and apply for the job at CSUDH, or any other job that's decent in L.A. If I get an interview, then great. I'd have to spend some quality time wandering through the neighborhoods before accepting a job there, but it can't hurt to apply. There's also a job opening at the Getty, but it isn't specifically in special collections, and the hiring salary range is only $36k-40k, which is less than I'm making now. :P I've basically concluded that I'm not qualified for the job at the L.A. Natural History museum, and haven't heard back from the SD Historical Society about volunteering there on Saturdays.
Yay... ceramics class tonight... although I'm tired enough that I'm not sure I'll last all the way till the end of class. I need a nap.
crafty shindig,
job hunting