Dec 14, 2006 16:53
I got a text message from a number I didn't know, on a cellphone that in life I do not have. The message was from Korea, and it went on to explain that it was some Asian guy who was coming down there to rape me, and how he'd possibly bring his friend along. Apparently, I knew this guy, and I was supposed to be afraid of him. My only response was a sarcastic grin as I tapped out the keys.
"Why yes, it would be lovely if you would bring your friend, and find me here. I'd greatly enjoy you slipping inside of me, pounding me like the small slave-boy that I am. You know my only reason for existing is to be fucked over and sideways. Please, I accept your offer, come down here, meet me by the traintracks in two days at three. I'll give you what you so desire, and I'll ache in anticipation until you arrive to satisfy and dominate me, so lower than you."
Apparently I was involved in a tight net of several individuals who had the ability to transform into dolphins at will. This boy, a slender Asian fellow of approximately twenty-three, was a Rough-toothed Dolphin with a penchant for bullying, and apparently had me singled out as his object of 'difficult affections' as they were known. I was a Short-Beaked Common Dolphin, and had a reputation of infamy amongst the group of about twenty-five as being a slippery, fellow of artistic inclinations.
It was my intention to kill him.
He was causing too much trouble to be ignored, and encroaching upon my territory with such a mocking threat could not go unpunished. The few who called themselves my pod were threatened by his presence.
When he arrived, I don't remember much after that but in the end, I stood overtop him as he lay splayed on the traintracks. I leaned forward and gave him a kiss, and backed off just as a train smashed him apart.
It was too bad, he had been pretty. His friend that he brought was nice though, and eventually was inducted to the pod, after some swift domination sex on my part, telling him with my cock what low rank he was.
I don't know. I guess it was some kind of mafia arrangement or something, but our existance was threatened.
Whatever. I'm still fantasizing about the dolphin sex and the domination of the Asian boy. I think his name was Kazaworu. He was Japanese, not Korean.
Dude who got the splatz0red was called Jin Song. Kazaworu was a Spinner Dolphin, if I recall correctly.
Sweet. Fucking.